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双语丨第一届“芙蓉文学双年榜”在汨罗揭幕 韩少功李修文摘得桂冠

来源:红网作者:蔡娟 李长宏 徐士洁 谭婕倪 周颖编辑:张立2023-05-21 15:32:30



红网时刻新闻记者 蔡娟  李长宏 徐士洁 汨罗报道 翻译 谭婕倪 制图 周颖


On the evening of May 20, the first "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023" will be held in Miluo, and 20 listed works will be revealed and honored on the ceremony site.


The first "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023" is guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Hunan Publishing Investment Holding Group, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Yueyang Municipal Committee, China South Publishing Media Group Co.Ltd, Furong Magazine, Miluo Municipal Committee and Miluo The People's Government of Miluo, and organized by the Propaganda Department of the Miluo Municipal Committee and Miluo Cultural Tourism Group.


At the ceremony, guests will announce the 20 works on the list of the first "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023".Han Shaogong's "Life in a moment" and Li Xiuwen's "To My Mother" won the prize.



According to the rules of "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023", the prize for the laureate works of the first "Lotus Literary Books List" will be 500,000 yuan, and the prize for the other 9 works on the list will be 100,000 yuan. The prize for the laureate works of the first "Lotus Literary Magazines List" will be 100,000 yuan, and the prize for the other 9 works on the list will be 20,000 yuan.






The "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023" is a large literary brand activity specially planned by Furong Magazine, which is guided by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Hunan Publishing Investment Holding Group, and co-sponsored by Furong Magazine and the current "Lotus Literary Festival" partner cities, held once every two years. And the first "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023" is held in Miluo City. It aims to build high-quality literary life in the new era, penetrate into the scene of Chinese literature, devote to forming a unique evaluation system of Chinese contemporary literature, and present the Hunan dimension for Chinese contemporary literature. The whole selection is divided into work recommendation, preliminary evaluation, re-evaluation, final evaluation, the "Lotus Literary Biennale·2023" and other links, with the influence radiating throughout the whole industry. The experts who recommend and evaluate the works on the list are the most active critics, writers, scholars, publishers and media people in contemporary literature.